- Marianne Williamson, Enchanted Love
What is your capacity to receive love? We spend alot of time talking about giving love, about being there for others, about "selflessness" but all of that talk is irrelevant if you lack an equal capacity to receive love.
Receiving love means taking in a compliment, really taking it in and basking in that, not deflecting from yourself to the other person before they've even had a chance to finish complimenting you.
Receiving love means allowing others to provide for you without feeling anxiety or stress as to how you're going to pay them back. Receiving love means being willing to ask for what you want, knowing that you deserve it, and being completely unattached to whether that person says yes or no. It means loving yourself enough to always ask, regardless of the answer.
Receiving love is as important as giving it because what you withhold from yourself, you will always withhold, in some way, shape , or form, from someone else.
Remember that the next time someone pays you a compliment, offers help, or goes out of their way to show you love.
"If you are a woman, you might take a solid, still moment to breathe in the sweetness of a compliment that a man just gave you. He will feel you doing that. It feeds him to know that he just fed you."
- Marianne Williamson, Enchanted Love
I can't say enough about Marianne Williamson's Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power Of Intimate Relationships
. It has revolutionized the way I look at all relationships and it has transformed the way my clients participate in all of their relationships. If you don't have it, please get it today!
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